Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Winter Gathering

It's approaching -- Winter Gathering.

Will be my third, insyaAllah.

Despite the precious priceless memories -- of late-night talks, of mischievous acts, of captured moments, of innocent smiles, and yeah just too much to be listed down -- some unforgettable-not-really-good-memories were there too.

Ops, not really 'there' as in the days of the programs, but somehow related. Well, hmmm

Winter Gathering 2013 - someone's last official program umum
Winter Gathering 2014 - may be contributing reason for someone's leave

Deeply traumatized for both 'incidents'. Really. Two are already more than enough. Seriously.

Winter Gathering 2015 -- still unseen future, may nothing unpleasant happen. 

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