Saturday 30 January 2016


So, AAJ masih diteruskan
Tajaan JPA ke Jepun masih diteruskan

Itterasshai pun masih diteruskan

Akan sentiasa diteruskan
selagi AAJ masih bernadi

描いた理想 願いは助走だって信じたら 羽ばたけるよ
"If you believe that the perfect plan you sketch as a runaway, insyaAllah you can fly"

And the first step to fly is ITTERASSHAI 
-- 28th February 2016, KK11 UM

またいつか ここで集まって 
"Someday we'll gather again 'here'"

Yup, we'll gather again 'here' in Japan
The soonest will be SAKURA, coming on May 

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